
Antiques & Vintage Finds

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Early Yellow Ware
Two 19th c. yellow ware tea or waste bowls for collecting used tea leaves. Good antique condition - the larger one having a small rim flake and the smaller one having a tight line (see photos). Both have crazing and minor stains. All in all, quite nice for such rare mocha and white banded bowls.  6.75'' x 3.5'' and 6.25'' x 3''.
for both
Tin Tole Box

 This antique metal cash/document box has been painted in a traditional tole design. While the box did not originally have tole decoration, the current painted finish was more than likely done in the 1960's when there was a resurgence of interest in the craft. Measures 9.5 x 6.5 x 3.5.
$29.00     *Sold*
this is on the back side of the book page
Book Illustration

 Taken from a Victorian era children's book, this patriotic scene has been framed under glass in a simple black frame. The illustration shows a copyright of 1899, and has been cut from a larger page in the book. 8 x 10 frame - 5 x 7 opening.
Tin Pail

 A nice vintage tin lunch pail or berry bucket with swing handle. It does have several areas of surface rust that I have oiled to keep at bay. The bucket measures 6'' x 4'', and with the lid on, it's 7'' tall. Some staining on the inside.
Laundry Bluing Box

 Bold graphics on this vintage Reckitt's "Blue" box from the early 1900's. The paper label is in very good condition and the colors are bright. The end boards have stamped labeling. It measures 10'' x 5'' x 4''.
Wool Socks

 An antique pair of hand knit heavy wool stockings. Possibly Amish or Mennonite Dark heather grey and black. In fairly good condition for their age, with some areas of minor wear and unraveling.
They are about 22'' long.
Make-Do Stool

 An early, primitive antique footstool with "Make Do" repair on the broken rush weaving. I have used an old coverlet fragment to cover the area of rush that was in need of replacing. The coverlet has been wrapped around and fastened with safety pins, so it is completely removable if you choose to fix the rush. 12'' x 8'' x 7''.